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Positive Behaviour 4 Learning

Positive Behaviour For Learning

Te Paina School utilises the PB4L School-Wide approach, that is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life. 

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Reporting to Parents


We will keep you informed regularly about what is happening at school through a range of different platforms. 

  • Newsletters

  • Website updates

  • Facebook page

  • Skool Loop App


Stay in touch with the school staff and if you have concerns talk to your child’s teacher. Communication can happen informally as an opportunity arises in the classroom or formally by arranging a time.

Setting Up Our Skool Loop

Our school app is personalised to your child/ren. Through the app you will have access to

  • Newsletters

  • Notices and messages

  • Send an absence

  • Complete permission slips

  • Access our school website

  • Access or Facebook page

  • Booking times for whaanau hui and learning conferences

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Once you have downloaded the app notify the office and we will send your access details.

School Policies

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Our school policies can be located by clicking the link below

Our school policies help to guide our practice and comply with current legislation. They support us to ensure consistency across our learning community and guide our response to issues and change. Please read them carefully so you become familiar with what we expect at Te Paina School. Our school policies are housed at SchoolDocs which can be accessed with the following information:


User Name: tepaina

Password: tepaina123

Annual Report

Our school's Financial Reports can be located by clicking the link below

Under Section 136 of the Education and Training Act 2020, school boards are required to make their school’s annual report available to the public on an internet site maintained by or on behalf of the board. 

ERO Report
ERO Report
Reporting to Parents
School Policies
Updated 18th July 2023


Attendance for Public at Board of Trustees meetings.

As a member of the public, you are welcome to attend our Board of Trustees meeting however we do ask that you advise if you are attending as many of our meetings are held on Zoom and you will need a link to attend.

Please note the following points if attending a meeting:

  • Board meetings are held in public, but they are not public meetings

  • Meetings times and dates are available from the school office

  • You will find an agenda and all documents on our BoT shared drive - please ask for access to the meeting you wish to attend;

  • You are entitled to attend the meeting to watch and listen

  • You are entitled to take notes but not record any part of the meeting

  • You are not entitled to take part in the meeting by word or action

  • Only board members have automatic speaking rights

  • Members of the public may request speaking rights on a particular subject that is on the agenda. This request needs to be made in advance. Public participation is at the discretion of the Board

  • You will be required to leave the meeting if the presiding member believes, on reasonable grounds, that your behaviour is likely to prejudice the orderly conduct of the meeting

  • You can be removed by police at the request of the presiding member if you are disruptive and do not comply with the presiding member’s instructions when an effort is being made to restore order in the meeting room

  • You are not entitled to communicate with trustees during the meeting unless the trustee leaves the meeting

  • You will be required to leave the meeting when the meeting goes ïn committee”

  • You are entitled to return to the room when the meeting comes out of committee.

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